dimanche 13 janvier 2008

My french universe

I use to write this little miror of my canadian life in french, just for my international fans to understand and feel better my dayly trip. But for this post, I want my crazy canadian universe, or at least the part of you who reads this blog, to feel through my poor english how great it was in my south of France...
Imagine this flight, the sun through the porthole that tells me that it missed me (and I so did miss it!). And then my parents, their arms, the smell of my mum's perfume that makes me feel like this little girl I realize I still am. In the car, a camembert and a bottle of red wine were waiting for me, and on the road that brought me back home, I started to see the vines, smell and feel how sweet is the air.
A few great days with my parents and my family, christmas, cocooning and rest ...before meeting all these fucking montpellier bitches :-p

My Fabounet that I met at his place, at the end of the world ;-).. my Zézette and all these long girl-moments where we re-do the world on her red sofa watching crap on a famous crapy TV channel... the Circus, my favourite bar, with Mahdi, Fab, Jp and Elise, can't wait this summer to do it again... my mister Mauritius-cheese wizz John and too many Daiquiries and Mojitos... my Simon still fashion-procrastination-still nicely him... my re-blond Aline and our gossips on her terrace... My Caro and Gaëlle, Béziers power!
My Chouhou, my sweet-heart, my best friend (your calendar is in our living room at the interesting page ;-)... My Flourie, YSMF my BFFL!!!(sorry it's an inside joke!)... A night at Nîmes with my Ludo, the only guy to call me "puberty-princess" (please forget about this nick name!)... my kitchy sweety Coco and then the crazy new year's eve she offered us! 25 wasted people in a house, music, foie gras and champagne, all you can dream about!
I think it's always like that... it was of course too short, not enough time to see all the people I wanted to see... or do all the things I wanted to do. But it was the more tasty holidays I've ever had, and trust me, "tasty" is the good adjective when you know my french universe!

Merci tout le monde, à très très vite.

a restaurant in Bages, little fishermann burg I loved

rosted goat cheese with laurel, fantastic


TV-tray at Elise's place, the true happyness!


The Circus

Mahdi (he's single)

The Comedie's place and its opera house

Sweet Elise, love U

Ludo, San Diego soon!!

This is the only pictures I could take, because of my crapy camera. But my brain is overwhelmed with all of the good moments I had with all the people I love...

2 commentaires:

Fab35 a dit…

Y a pas à dire, soit je suis vraiment pas photogénique, soit je suis définitivement moche comme un cul...
Enfin quoiqu'il en soit ça va etrre long d'attendre jusqu'à cet été pour te revoir miss!! Les retrouvailles n'en seront que plus agréables ;) allez gros bisous mamzelle

Anonyme a dit…

je savais pas que tu tenais une agence matrimoniale au canada lol. Le probleme c'est que je crois pas au mariage :(

Sympa de t'avoir revu !